tsetse flies

美 [ˈtsetsi flaɪz]英 [ˈtsetsi flaɪz]
  • n.舌蝇,采采蝇(叮咬人和动物吸血传染昏睡病的非洲苍蝇)
  • tsetse fly的复数
tsetse fliestsetse flies

tsetse flies


  • 1
    N-VAR 舌蝇,采采蝇(吸食人畜血液并导致其患严重疾病的非洲蝇类)
    A tsetse fly or a tsetse is an African fly that feeds on blood and can cause serious diseases in the people and animals that it bites.

  1. Sleeping sickness occurs only in36 sub-Saharan Africa countries where there are tsetse flies that can transmit the disease .


  2. For reasons that are so far unexplained , there are many regions where tsetse flies are found , but sleeping sickness is not .


  3. Tsetse flies are found just in sub-Saharan Africa though only certain species transmit the disease .


  4. It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse flies .


  5. Study on Refractoriness of Tsetse Flies Carrying Recombinant Symbionts Expressing an Anti-trypanosomal Product


  6. The disease , transmitted mainly by tsetse flies , is prevalent in37 countries among the poorest of the world .


  7. Mosquitoes and tsetse flies plagued us .


  8. The disease is caused by the trypanosoma parasite . It is spread to humans through the bite of infected tsetse flies .


  9. Tsetse flies transmit human sleeping sickness ( Africa trypanosomiasis ) in tropical Africa . It is also the vector that causes Nagana in livestock . This is a great burden for health and development in Africa .
